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Club of Distinction

This award has been established to recognize club accomplishments in all areas of garden club activities during the award year. Clubs with a total of 100 points or more will receive a Club of Distinction certificate. Clubs with a total of 150 points or more will receive a Club of Distinction Award with a silver seal. The club with the highest number of points will receive a Club of Distinction certificate with a gold seal. Complete GCFM Club of Distinction Rating Form. Electronic submission only by the first of April.

Civic Development

The Kathleen Marty Award for Civic Development

A Certificate will be presented to each club submitting Civic Development projects to the Civic Development Chair and to the Awards Chair before April 1 of each year. Clubs must have established or maintained public plantings. To be considered for the Award, the club must complete the GCFM Award Application Form on the GCFM website. The GCFM Application Form should be completed by April 1. Awards will be given by club size: Small, Medium, Large and X-Large.

Projects must beautify public or civic sites in the area served by the club. Projects must be completed between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year. The State may submit one project for the NEGC Civic Development Award. To be considered for NEGC award the application must meet NEGC standards: (Regional Awards standards are listed on the NEGC website )

Scale of points

(neat, concise—three pages—
application counts as one page) electronic
(scope of project)
(size of club, number of members involved)
(photos, newspaper articles, landscape designs—
two photos or several grouped on one page)
100 points total

Conservation and Environmental

A certificate may be given annually for an outstanding project furthering environmental interests. Complete GCFM Application form through the GCFM Website.

Therapeutic Gardening

The Stephanie Ann Smith Certificate for Therapeutic Gardening may be awarded annually to the club with the best active therapeutic gardening program, based upon the club report, publicity and photography. Complete the GCFM Application Form by April 1.

Historic Preservation/Restoration

The Longfellow Pitcher (retired) Certificate for Preservation of Beauty may be awarded annually to a club or clubs for an historic restoration project such as the restoration of a park, a building and/or a garden of importance to the heritage of a particular locality in the state. GCFM Application submitted through the GCFM website.


  • The Gloria Bryson Burrill Tree planting award of $50 may be awarded annually to a garden club for the most outstanding tree planting project. Emphasis on low maintenance, quality trees suited to local climate and environmental conditions. The project may be started at any time but must be completed within the award year in which the application is made. Money for award to be donated by Gloria Bryson Burrill each year. Complete the electronic GCFM Application form. Deadline is April 1.
  • The Stella J. Dearborn Award is awarded for the best all-around GCFM gardener. Donor to provide Award.  Cash award.
    GCFM Application to be:
    • No more than three pages with photographs.
    • Does owner have professional help of any kind; types and sizes of gardens; location of garden (USPS address). Application to be completed by club award chairman or garden club president as assurance that the gardens are as described and that the owner is a club member.
    • Include garden plan/design. Not necessary to include all plant cultivars grown.
    • Application is based on garden for previous year.
    • Points to be awarded for the following:
Growing of fruit trees or bushes 10
Growing of vegetables 10
Growing of berries 10
Growing or perennials 10
Growing of annuals 10
Growing without pesticides 10
Compost pile/bins 10
Distinction 10
100 points total
  • Helena E. Goff Traveling Certificate may be awarded annually to a club providing the most comprehensive horticultural education program designed for its membership (i.e., award is for programs designed for the membership—not projects performed by the membership). The recipient is determined by the GCFM State Awards Chairman and the Yearbook Chairmen based on club information contained in the club’s yearbooks. No club is eligible to receive the trophy two years in a row. No Book of Evidence or application required. Evaluation: A. At least 2/3 of club’s programs devoted to horticultural education: workshops, lectures, demonstrations, slides, tours, horticultural show preparation, plant sales, etc. B. Minimum of two programs involving member participation (workshops).
  • Gladys Harris Certificate may be awarded in the odd-numbered years to a club having accomplished the most notable work in horticulture during the preceding two years. Any activity involving horticulture is eligible for consideration.

Membership Award

(Note award year is March – March)
The Norine S. Veal New Members Award will be awarded annually to the club with the most new members. In case of a tie each club will receive certificates. GCFM Application should list new club members and the date they joined the club between March 1 of last year to March 1 this year. Deadline is April 1.


The Thomas G. Atwell Award may be awarded for the best publicity dealing with GCFM objectives. A district, individual club or group of clubs may apply. Complete GCFM Application by April 1. Cash awarded to first place.


  • May be as little as one clipping or one video tape (copies permissible)
  • Include copies of original material sent to publicity source (contact letter)
  • Applications will include information on publicity for previous year

Scale of points

Quality of publicity
(depth and knowledge shown in coverage)
Unusual aspect of publicity 15
Stressing GCFM and membership in a garden club 15
Stressing NGC objectives 15
Contact person’s name, address and telephone number 10
100 points total

Website Award

Suzanne Bushnell Website Award is a certificate that will be presented for the most outstanding website promoting the club or district and GCFM, NEGC and NGC objectives. The site MUST have at least a portion available for viewing by the public (not just club or state members) to be considered for this award. The Application should contain:
    * website address
    * was site designed professionally or by club member (s)
    * who maintains site (professional or club members)
    * how often is it updated
    * cost to maintain
    * does it have a Facebook or other social media link
Ease of navigation will be considered for judging purposes.
Two awards are available:
      * Website A: Designed and managed by club member/members
      * Website B: Professionally designed
Scale of Points
     1. Presentation    25 points:   Design and appearance attractive, engaging, easy to view layout
     2. Navigation       35 points:   Ease of navigation, navigation system (bar, map, etc)
     3. Achievement   20 points:   Club/group information present/easy to find, educational content encouraged
     4. Promotion        10 points:    Promotes club or district objectives as well as GCFM, NEGC and NGC objectives
     5. Maintenance    10 points:   Does it appear website is updated


Yearbooks must be sent to the GCFM Yearbook Chairperson, postmarked no later than December 31st.

Awards for garden club yearbooks are given in six categories:

    1.  Clubs under 20 members
    2.  Clubs with 20 – 29 members
    3.  Clubs with 30 – 44 members
    4.  Clubs with 45 – 69 members
    5.  Clubs with 70 – 99 members
    6.  Clubs with 100 – 299 members

Certificates may be awarded for first and second place winners in each category.

Youth Awards

  1. Certificates of Merit: may be awarded annually to Junior, Intermediate and High School Gardeners who have been more successful in promoting all phases of garden club work.
  2. Marion Watson Davis Award: a certificate may be awarded annually to an individual or a club for outstanding work in a Junior and/or Intermediate Garden Club sponsored by a member garden club.
  3. Environmental Awards: certificates may be awarded annually for worthy projects by Junior, Intermediate or High School garden clubs sponsored by a member garden club.
  4. High School Essay Awards: awarded by NGC only. (Refer to NGC Essay contest on the NGC Website. Deadline: December 1.
  5. Junior, Intermediate and High School Gardener’s Award: a certificate may be awarded annually to Junior, Intermediate or High School Gardeners for an outstanding project.
  6. Phyllis C. Lewis Award Certificate: may be awarded annually to the GCFM club that develops the best program for children to promote interest in any facet of nature, horticulture or conservation.
  7. Muriel Soule Junior Conservation Award: a certificate may be awarded annually for an outstanding conservation project by a youth group.
  8. The Thompson-Lyford Youth Award: may be awarded annually to a Junior Garden Club for the best community related project. A certificate and cash award (not less than $25.00) will be awarded.


Junior Garden Club to work with the local sponsoring garden club to plant, design and implement a project that has benefit and merit to the community in which the club is located.

Scale of points

Application presentation 40
Participation of junior club members 15
Participation of sponsoring club members 15
Publicity 10
Merit/benefit to community 20
100 points total

Complete GCFM Application Form through the GCFM Website.

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